2021 WFSC
Holiday Skating Spectacular
December 18, 2021
12:45p.m. - 2:45p.m.
We are very excited to host this year's Holiday Celebration and Holiday Exhibition! Winterhurst Figure Skating Club members and associate members are welcome to participate! Please review the instructions below for more details.
Registration is Open! The sign up sheet is with the ice monitors. You can choose to skate a solo, duo, trio or a larger group number. You will be responsible for your costume, choreography, music and practices for your solos and group numbers. You can participate in more than 1 number if time allows. We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to skate.
Deadline to sign up: Friday December 3.
Music:You are welcome to skate to the music of your choice. If you need help with music selection, you can ask your coach or Melanie Sassano. Bring a CD of your music to the rink no later than December 3rd. Please bring a backup CD the day of the Exhibition (just in case). Music selection will be first come first serve. We will try to avoid duplicates.
Duration of music will be according to your Freeskate level (as of October 31, 2021) as follows:
Seniors and Juniors: 2min 50sec (max)
Novices: 2min 40sec (max)
Intermediates: 2 min 30 sec (max)
Open Juv, Juvenile, Adult Silver and Adult Gold: 2min 10sec (max)
Pre-Juv: 2:00 (max)
Preliminary to Beginner: 1min 40sec (max)
Pre- Free Skate to Freeskate 6: 1 min 20 sec (max)
Snowplow to Basic 6: 1min 10 sec (max)
Solos: You can only sign up for one solo number. Seniors in High School and home club members will have priority.
Groups: We will try to accommodate group numbers as time permits after all the solos are scheduled. Group numbers will be added on a first come first serve basis. Skaters can participate in more than 1 group number.
You can skate a solo and as many group numbers as you would like (provided we have enough time for everyone)
On the sign up sheet, please write your name, Freeskate level, music and duration of your program.
The cost is $20.00/number to help us pay for renting the ice ($240.00/hr). Each solo is $20.00 and each group number is $20.00. The cost of the group number can be divided among the skaters in the group. Please pay the ice monitor by December 3rd.
Admission to the exhibition is free.
Please invite your family, friends, teachers, neighbors, etc.
COVID safety protocols will be discussed and shared with everyone once available.
At this time, for everyone's safety, we are not planning a reception/celebration as in the past due to COVID. We hope we can organize some club activity/gathering but may need to wait until we can do it outside.